Add support for a new game


  • An access to a terminal to run commands like php -v and be somewhat familiar with programming

If you have Azuriom installed you can skip to the Setup step.

If you never installed Azuriom, you need to install it. During installation it will ask you to choose a game.

You will navigate to the URL /install/game/custom. With that in mind you can now follow the installation instruction.

Once Azuriom is installed, you can run the following command in a terminal to create an admin user:

php artisan user:create --admin


You can run the following command to generate the project layout for your game, with MyNewGame the name of your game:

php artisan game:create MyNewGame

Connecting Azuriom to a game

Using custom database

go to plugins/mynewgame/src/Providers/MyNewGameServiceProvider.php and edit the file

Under use Azuriom\Extensions\Plugin\BasePluginServiceProvider; paste use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

Now locate the boot method and under $this->registerUserNavigation(); add $this->setupDatabaseConnection();

You can now paste the function bellow just under the } of the boot method:

protected function setupDatabaseConnection()
    $driver = 'mysql'; // Can also be pgsql, sqlsrv
    $config = config('database.connections.'.$driver);

     * To use credentials in the .env file, you can use your plugin's config file.
     * in plugins/mynewgame/config/azuriom_mynewgame.php, you will see by default only one 'custom_config' key,
     * but you can add more like: 'CUSTOM_DB_ADDRESS' => env('CUSTOM_DB_ADDRESS', '')
     * To access it: config('azuriom_mynewgame.CUSTOM_DB_ADDRESS');
    $config['host'] = config('azuriom_mynewgame.CUSTOM_DB_ADDRESS');
    $config['port'] = config('azuriom_mynewgame.CUSTOM_DB_PORT');
    $config['username'] = config('azuriom_mynewgame.CUSTOM_DB_USER');
    $config['password'] = config('azuriom_mynewgame.CUSTOM_DB_PASSWORD');
    $config['database'] = config('azuriom_mynewgame.CUSTOM_DB_DATABASE');

    config(['' => $config]);

Now you can create your first model using your game database connection. Go to plugins/mynewgame/src/Models, create a new file Character.php and add the following code:


namespace Azuriom\Plugin\MyNewGame\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Character extends Model
    protected $connection = 'my-custom-connection';

Now edit plugins/mynewgame/src/Controllers/Admin/AdminController.php and under use Azuriom\Http\Controllers\Controller;, add use Azuriom\Plugin\MyNewGame\Models\Character;

Then replace function index by:

public function index()
    $characters = Character::paginate();
    return view('mynewgame::admin.index', ['characters' => $characters]);

Now to show the characters in your admin menu edit plugins/mynewgame/ressources/views/admin/index.blade.php and replace <p>This is the admin page of your plugin</p> by:

@foreach($characters as $character)
    <p>{{$character->name}}</p> {{-- "name" can be any properties from you database --}}

{{ $characters->links() }}

Using Rcon/API and/or to execute commands

Go to plugins/mynewgame/src/Games/MyNewGameServerBridge.php and have a look at the content.

To have real world exemple you can have a look at :

  • Dofus Game which uses an SSL connection to send commands to the game server
  • Flyff Game which uses a custom encoding and protection with a password. (It also sends items to database as fallback mechanisms).

Within the sendCommands() method, you should handle if a player is connected in-game or not and take the proper actions like here in the flyff game.